Chilito de Hueve (egg chili)

by Chef Hector Gonzalez-Mora,
Noche Bruta

For the salsa

3 Roma tomatoes 
3 chile guajillo 
Chile de árbol, at least 2 to taste
3 garlic cloves 
1.5 cups of water 

  1. Char the ingredients and blend all together.

For the stew
9 eggs – scrambled 
All the salsa 

In a skillet add a thin layer of oil , begin to scramble the eggs so that they form curds. Begin to break them up and as they are about 50% cooked add the salsa into the pan and cook the rest of the eggs through. 

The goal is to have a loose egg stew with chunks of eggs and slightly runny. 


Queso fresco , pork rinds, toasted pepitas , farofa , onions, chopped cilantro.

Can be eaten with bread, tostadas or your favorite tortilla .